
学術情報メディアセンター > ネットワーク研究開発部門 > アクセスポイント接続 > 学内無線LANシステム  ( >> Japanese page )

On-Campus Wi-Fi System

For information on available access areas and eligibility for the On-Campus Wi-Fi System, see the User's Guide.

Notes for the On-Campus Wi-Fi System

Please refer to the relevant notes on the access point connection.

The passphrase that is required for connection will be altered periodically. If a user does not have the latest passphrase, please obtain the latest passphrase using the Wi-Fi connection.

How to use the On-Campus Wi-Fi System


  • Computer terminals that are compatible with IEEE802.11a/b/g Wi-Fi interface
    Depending on your computer model, you cannot access the network unless the network driver is updated to the latest version.
    (We have confirmed that Atheros network devices may be unable to access the network if their driver software versions are old.)
  • Web browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.)

How to get connected

  1. Go to the web site of the On-Campus Wi-Fi Network System, and find the latest passphrase (you are required to enter your User ID (UTID-13) and Password to view this page).
    If a Wi-Fi connection is used, connect "utwlan-pub" first to get the passphrase.
  2. Use the search function on the operating system of your computer to look up available Wi-Fi connections, and select "utwlan-w". Use the following Wi-Fi security settings:
    SecurityWPA2 personal
    PassphraseUse the passphrase as described above
  3. Open your web browser and get connected to the following page. Read the note carefully and click the "I agree" button.
  4. In the dialog box, enter your User ID (UTID-13) and Password and click the "login" button. You will get connected with the on-campus network system.
 * Notes on using the Access Point Connections
  このシステムを利用する際にパスフレーズとパスワードと2回要求される理由については「筑波大学 学内無線LANシステムについて」を御覧ください。


  • *There will be no restrictions on the protocols that a user can use. However, transmissions from the on-campus network system to the On-Campus Wi-Fi System using 1-1023/TCP or 1-1023/UDP is set to be rejected.

IP address assignment

Assigned range133.51.120.0/21for university members visitors


For Sub-network Administration Committee members

Currently, all the base stations on the On-Campus Wi-Fi System are centrally controlled by the management unit. Thus, as a general rule, we are unable to incorporate the wireless LAN bases administered by the Sub-network Administration Committee into the On-Campus Wi-Fi System. However, it is possible to enable the verification function by connecting them to the information outlet under the Information Outlet of Zengaku Network System.


