I want to revert to the previous version after applying the Windows 10 feature update

Application of the Windows 10 feature update program may cause problems such as not functioning of the application such as VirusBuster.
If you want to revert to the previous version after applying the feature update program, refer to the following.

Recovery options in Windows 10 -“Go back to your previous version of Windows”-[External site]

Please note that if the alert “Your PC has been upgraded more than 10 days ago and this option is not available” is displayed, or if the button “Revert to the previous version of Windows 10” is not displayed, You can not revert to the previous version.

Please do it at own risk. Academic Computing & Communications Center can not provide individual support.

How do I use my @un email address?

The @un email address is managed and operated by the Division of Information Infrastructure Management, Department of Academic Information.
Please contact sk.johositu[at mark]un.tsukuba.ac.jp for inquiries.