A team with the privacy set to “public” allows all the Univ. members to access your messages/files post/uploaded to it. To enhanced security, all public teams will be set to “private” by system administrator, unless you name it end by “-public” to assert that it is “public” on purpose.
EES - Teams
A team with the privacy set to “public” allows all the Univ. members to access your messages/files post/uploaded to it. To enhanced security, all public teams will be set to “private” by system administrator, unless you name it end by “-public” to assert that it is “public” on purpose.
software license
A team with the privacy set to “public” allows all the Univ. members to access your messages/files post/uploaded to it. To enhanced security, all public teams will be set to “private” by system administrator, unless you name it end by “-public” to assert that it is “public” on purpose.