Renewal of off-campus connection and Tokyo Campus connection lines for the Backbone Network (2023/3/26)

The following work will be performed to update the University of Tsukuba’s SINET connection lines (two types of lines: one connected to the outside of the university through network communications, and the other between the Tsukuba and Tokyo campuses).

Date and Time: Sunday, March 26, 2023, 9:00 – 11:00
Work contents: Renewal of off-campus connection and Tokyo campus connection line
Impact: Network connection breakdown will occur several times in all off-campus lines and the Tokyo campus line.

Network Outage at Kasuga Plaza (11/26)

We will conduct maintenance on the cable that connects the Kasuga area in the backbone network.

The backbone network in the Kasuga area will be out of service due to a power outage due to the inspection of electrical equipment in the Kasuga area on the day of the event.

Kasuga Plaza, which is connected via the Kasuga area, will also experience network outages.

Date and Time: Saturday, November 26, 9:00~16:00
Work contents: Maintenance of network connection cables in the Kasuga area
Impact: Kasuga Plaza network will be shut down.

Please note to the update support status of Windows 10/11 and macOS of Trend Micro Apex One

Trend Micro Apex One (TMAO) is a corporate product and is not immediately compatible with windows or macOS updates.

If you update Windows or macOS to the latest version before TMAO supports it, your PC may not work properly.

When TMAO distributed by the ACCC becomes compatible with the latest versions of Windows or macOS, we will inform you on the ACCC Web site and at the Download Station.

Be sure to confirm the notification before updating the PC on which TMAO is installed.

For Windows 10/11, there is a page to confirm the compatibility status on the Trend Micro Web site.

Please use this page as a guideline for the next period of correspondence.

 『Support plan for Windows 10/11』

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Investigation of failure of backbone network equipment (11/14)

We will investigate the cause of the communication interruption failure of the backbone network equipment that had been occurring until last month.

We do not expect any communication breakdowns during the investigation, however, we let you know just in case.

Date and time: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:30- 12:00
Work contents: Investigate the cause of backbone network failure
Impact: No communication interruption is expected.

(Fixed)For those who cannot log in to Download Station (2022/10/6)

This problem has been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience. (22/10/25)

Currently, some users are unable to log in to Download Station.
We apologize for the inconvenience, however, we are now working on this issue, so please wait for a while.

We will update the notice as soon as the system is restored.
If you are in a hurry, the following methods are also available.

  • Microsoft products (Office)
    You can use the Office application of Microsoft 365.
  • Anti-Virus Software (Trend Micro Apex One)
    Have your colleague download the installer from Download Station and install it.
    In case of difficulty, please contact us individually through the Center’s CONTACT form.
    ※Please select “Software licenses (SPSS, LabView, ArcGIS, Gaussian, Anti-Virus)” for the inquiry Category.

Maintenance of Backbone Network Equipment (10/30)

We are currently experiencing frequent communication breakdowns in our backbone network.

By taking temporary measures, we are operating to reduce the frequency of communication interruptions.

To determine the cause of the failure, inspection work will be conducted on Sunday, October 30, with a 30-minute communication outage.

Communication will be suspended for a long period, we ask for your cooperation to ensure the stable operation of the backbone network.

Date and Time: Sunday, October 30, 2022 Currently scheduled from around 11:25
Work contents: Investigate the cause of backbone network failure
Impact: A communication breakdown of about 30 minutes occurred in all networks of the University of Tsukuba (including the Tokyo campus and remote areas).

Initial password for the Unified Authentication System

To new students enrolled in September or October 2022

The initial password for the Unified Authentication System notified to you by card or other means will expire if you do not change it within the specified period.

If you have not changed it yet, please do so immediately from the Unified Authentication System page.

(We have also announced this to the relevant persons by e-mail.)

Network communication interruption due to SINET maintenance(10/10、10/23)

The National Institute of Informatics has informed the maintenance of SINET, which the University of Tsukuba uses for external connections and network connections to the Bunkyo campus.

Date and time: Monday, October 10, 2022, 1:00 〜 3:00 AM
Impact: There will be breakdowns in network connections of several minutes throughout the University of Tsukuba and Bunkyo campus (including the attached school)

Date and time: Sunday, October 23, 2022, 1:00 〜 4:00 AM
Impact: There will be breakdowns in network connections of several minutes at the Bunkyo campus (including the attached school)
The only communication from the Bunkyo campus to the outside is interrupted.
There is no effect except for the Bunkyo campus.