What should I care about when creating a team on Microsoft Teams?

A team with the privacy set to “public” allows all the Univ. members to access your messages/files post/uploaded to it. To enhanced security, all public teams will be set to “private” by system administrator, unless you name it end by “-public” to assert that it is “public” on purpose.

How will the treatment of team members on Teams who have graduated, completed, or retired?

Those who are no longer members of the University due to graduation, completion, retirement, etc. cannot use the University’s Microsoft 365 services.
The accounts are deleted after a certain period from graduation, completion, or retirement.
(The accounts of part-time employees who are rehired after their term of employment are also deleted after a certain period whenever they retire.)

When an account is deleted, it will be deleted from the teams it belonged to as well. However, what it had post to these teams remain.

Therefore, the team owner needs to take the following actions.


  • If rehired
    • The account may be available if there is a short period before rehiring. (To find out if the account is available, please contact the center by themself using the contact form.)
    • Even a user who signs up for a new account with the same name and description as their previously deleted one is treated as a new user and needs to be added to the team again.
      (If “問題が発生しました(something wrong…)” and it fails to add the account to the teams it used to be member, please take a break before do it again.)
    • Due to the caching feature, some tools may keep the deleted usernames for a while.

※The above is based on Microsoft’s response as of November 2021.


How to clear the cache of the Microsoft Teams client app?

You need to uninstall Teams and then process to clear the cache information. See below for details.
(Please conduct at your own risk.)

■ For Windows OS

Please sign out from the Microsoft Teams app before taking the following steps.

  1. Uninstall Microsoft Teams
    ※ The procedure starting with uninstallation is guided as the Microsoft’s recommended method.

    1. Right-click the Windows icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen and open [Apps & Features].
    2. Uninstall the following two products from the Apps & Features list.
      ・ Microsoft Teams
      ・ Teams Machine Wide Installer
      ※ Click the product name and [Uninstall]. Try one at a time.
      ※ If you cannot find Teams Machine Wide Installer, follow the steps below after removing Microsoft Teams.
  2. Clear the cache of Microsoft Teams
    1. Press and hold the Windows key, and then press the [R] key.
    2. When the [Run] dialog box appears, enter “%AppData%\Microsoft” in the [Open] field, and click [OK].
    3. Delete the [Teams] folder. ※ If you can’t, there may be some Office applications running such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, etc., which should all be quit.
    4. Similarly, press and hold the [R] key while holding down the Windows key, enter “%LocalAppData%\Microsoft” in the dialog box that appears, and click [OK].
    5. Delete the [Teams] folder.
    6. Reboot the PC.
  3. Reinstall Microsoft Teams
    Access the following URL and install the latest version of Microsoft Teams that is currently available
    Download Microsoft Teams

■For Mac OS

  1. Sign out from Microsoft Teams.
  2. In Finder, hold down the Option key and click [Move].
  3. Click the [Library] folder, which appears directly under the Home folder.
  4. Delete the following related folders.
    ・Application Support/Microsoft/Teams
    ・Application Support/com.microsoft.Teams
  5. Uninstall the Teams desktop client.
    For details of how to uninstall the application, please refer to the following:
  6. Access the following URL and reinstall Microsoft Teams.
    Download Microsoft Teams

What is an overview of groups in Teams, SharePoint and Stream?

Groups created in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Stream, etc. ((team) * hereinafter referred to as groups) are automatically created in each Microsoft 365 app as Microsoft 365 groups.
For example, a group created in Teams is automatically created on SharePoint and Stream. (* It takes time to create)


  • It will take some time for Microsoft 365 to automatically create them in each app.
    For example, if you create a new group in Teams, that group has not created in Stream etc. immediately after it is created.
    *It will take 2 to 3 hours at the earliest. Or more.
  • A group or site created from Stream or SharePoint can also work as a Teams group by taking the following actions.
    (1)Access with https://o365tsukuba.sharepoint.com/sites/group ID/
    *The group ID is the part of the group email address before @ that can be confirmed from the group edit screen.
    (2)Go to the SharePoint site for that group and select Add Microsoft Teams.
    (3)Then the group will be displayed on Teams as well.
  • It may be possible to create a group name with the same name from Teams and Steam respectively. (By changing the group email address, the part before @)
  • If you delete a group from Teams, SharePoint, or Stream, the group will also be deleted from all apps on Microsoft 365.

Referring to external site)

* The above is based on the information as of March 2022.

Please note to the update support status of Windows 10/11 and macOS of Trend Micro Apex One

 Trend Micro Apex One (TMAO) is a corporate product and is not immediately compatible with windows or macOS updates.

 If you update Windows or macOS to the latest version before TMAO supports it, your PC may not work properly.

 When TMAO distributed by the ACCC becomes compatible with the latest versions of Windows or macOS, we will inform you on the ACCC Web site and at the Download Station.

 Be sure to confirm the notification before updating the PC on which TMAO is installed.

 For Windows 10/11, there is a page to confirm the compatibility status on the Trend Micro Web site.

 Please use this page as a guideline for the next period of correspondence.

  『Support plan for Windows 10/11』


 Thank you in advance for your cooperation.