On the files posted or uploaded to Teams, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint by those who graduated, completed, or retired

After graduation, completion of studies, or retirement, you will not be able to use the Microsoft 365 (EES benefit) anymore.
The old account of this service will be deleted about one month after graduation, completion, or retirement.

When you go on to graduate school, please use your new account.
(This is because when you go on to graduate school, you will be given a new student ID and the UTID-NAME (the part of your email address before the @) will change.)

※Students enrolling after April 2021 do not need to sign up for themselves.
Registration (sign-up) to use Microsoft products will be done by the university administrator. (For more information, click here Procedure for preparation to sign in to Microsoft 365 and take online classes(PDF))


Following operation are not available.

  • Continuing to use Teams with an old account
  • Merge of old and new accounts (alias settings)
  • Export of Teams data logs

Please refer to the following for the handling of data on Teams of the old account.
(This information is based on Microsoft’s response as of March 2021.)

  • Chat
    A chat that you conduct with one specific person by clicking on the ‘Chat’ icon in the Teams application is called a ‘Private Chat’.
    A chat with two or more people is called a ‘Group Chat’.
    If some of the users you have chatted with are deleted, their messages in the chat will not be deleted.
    For exchanged in one-to-one chat, you may not be able to access the user’s data after deleting the user account.
    Files posted to “Chat” will be stored in the “OneDrive for Business” of the user who uploaded the file.
    The default function of OneDrive for Business is to delete the OneDrive for Business disk space for a user if more than 30 days have passed since the user account was deleted.
    If you need a file uploaded by a user whose account has been permanently deleted on the left menu [Chat] of the Microsoft Teams application, you have to back up the file within 30 days of the user’s deletion.
  • Team
    Even someone’s account is permanently deleted, the posted files to “Team” are still stored on the SharePoint site and the members can access that data.
    You can also browse previous posts by being invited by the relevant team again on your new account.
    Files posted to “Team” will be stored on the SharePoint site associated with the team, and the items will be shared with team members.

I tried to use MS Teams, Office app, OneDrive for Business, etc. of EES benefits, but an error occurred.

Microsoft Office (EES benefit: personal use) self-signup (registration work by yourself) is required to use cloud services such as Teams, Stream, OneDrive for Business, and personal use of Office apps. First, check the following points.

  • Have you signed up for EES benefits using your @u or @un address?
  • Is the email address displayed in My Account > Personal Information @u or @un?
    • If you were signed in with another Microsoft account, such as @s, sign out, close your browser, and try again.

In addition, please refer to the following information.

Zengaku Computer System: About @s address and @u address
Frequently Asked Questions: “Calendar” icon in MS Teams does not appear
Frequently Asked Questions: In Microsoft 365, an error “Your IT department has turned off signup for …” appears.

If the problem persists, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for other frequently asked questions about EES Benefits.

If that doesn’t help,
With a screenshot of the screen showing the error
Please contact us at ms-inquiry[at]cc.tsukuba.ac.jp.