If you are using the desktop app version of Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) obtained from EES benefits and you receive the message “Sorry, another account from your organization is already signed in on this computer.”, this is probably because you are already signed in to another Microsoft account on the PC.
Please try the following steps.
- Check if you are logged out of other Microsoft accounts in Word, PowerPoint, etc.
Launch any of the Word, Excel and PowerPoint apps.
Sign out from all the apps from My Account (where your name is displayed) at the top of the screen.
Restart the app.
Sign in with the signed up EES benefit account (“@u” or “@un” e-mail address) when the sign-in screen appears again on startup.
- Check the account information section of your PC for any other Microsoft accounts signed in (on Windows).
Close all currently open Microsoft-related apps.
Click Windows icon (bottom left of screen)
Settings (the gear icon)
“Access work or school”
If there are accounts other than “@u” or “@un”, right-click them and ”Disconnect” once.
Restart your PC
Sign in with an “@u” or “@un” account again
Immediately after signing up for EES benefits, you may see the message “Office license contains Office desktop app is not currently assigned.”
If the message is displayed even after a while (about 1 day has passed) after signing up, or if you need to take immediate action, use the inquiry form (Select category “Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)”).
Only superuser can do this. So please require it through the inquiry content column.
choosing the category “EES (including Microsoft 365, Teams, Stream, etc)”, and fill the following items.
■Please fill in the following in the inquiry title column
- Request to change the registration name by EES privileges
■Please fill in the following in the inquiry content column
- Name before change (current)
- Name after change (separate first and last name)
※Both Romaji and Japanese characters (katakana, hiragana, kanji) are available.
The name in Romaji should be connected with a half-width space between the first name and last name.
For Japanese characters, do not put a space in the order of first name and last name.
- Email account at the university (@u or @un)
Please note that it may take some time.
When trying to use Microsoft 365 etc. of EES benefits,
Your IT department has turned off signup for (…). Contact them to complete signup.
If the error is displayed, please check the following.
Online class guidance
Office for Mac also requires the installation of “Serializer”. You can skip it if you have the serializer installed.
Please see “If authentication fails“.
If you are off-campus, please use the VPN service to create an on-campus network environment.
When trying to download and install Office apps using EES benefits,
“You currently have not been assigned an Office license that includes the Office desktop apps. Contact your admin for more information about how to get Office for your organization.”
If the message is displayed and you cannot install, please check the following.
- Have you completed self-registration (self-signup) of EES benefits using @u or @un address?
- Is the email address displayed in My Account> Personal Information @u or @un?
- If you were signed in with another Microsoft account, such as @s, sign out, close your browser, and try again.
- Open My Account> Apps & Devices and click the down arrow to the right of “Devices” to see which device you are using. Office can be installed on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 smartphones.
To check for yourself whether the “Sign up to Microsoft 365” required for watching Stream videos etc. is done correctly, please try signing in from https://www.office.com/.
If you have signed up, you can also sign in.
Also, if a user who has already signed up tries to sign up again, a message such as “This account has already been registered” will be displayed, so you can confirm that you have signed up with this method as well.
The following is an example of the home screen after signing in.
[For students (@s.tsukuba.ac.jp)]
#Theme is left at its default setting.

[For faculty, staff, and students (@u.tsukuba.ac.jp and @un.tsukuba.ac.jp)]
#Theme is customized.

If you receive a message such as “This account has already been registered” and cannot sign up for an account that you do not remember signing up for, please go to Inquiry Form, select “EES(including Microsoft 365, Teams, Stream, etc.)” as the inquiry type and send us your inquiry.