About the Mathematica Site License offer


This page explains how to use Mathematica and the precautions for faculty, staff, and students of the University of Tsukuba.

The license program type is the Educational Institution Unlimited Program, and the contract term is three years, from April 2022 to March 2025. Students, graduate students, faculty, and staff of the List of eligible schools and colleges will have access to the latest version of Mathematica. This license grants the right to use Mathematica for the term of the contract and expires at the end of the contract. The Organization for Information Infrastructure will decide whether or not to renew the contract on a case-by-case basis, and will give at least three months’ notice when the contract is terminated.

List of eligible schools and colleges which are covered by the license

The others are eligible to use the Mathematica by Comprehensive program in which only the connection from in the university network.

On-Campus Use (Unlimited Educational Program)

Faculty, staff and students that belong to the above mentioned institutes are eligible to install Mathematica and Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager free of charge on their PCs using Windows, Linux or Mac.

Installation requires an activation key and installation program. Get it from the Wolfram User Portal (“Get Activation Key” link below). If you have already registered on the user portal, please enter your username and password. If you have not yet registered, please register and request an activation key and installation program. When requesting, please register an email address with the domain @u.tsukuba.ac.jp or @un.tsukuba.ac.jp. You cannot register with any other email address. An activation key will be sent to the registered address by email immediately.

A link to download the installation program will be provided with the key. However, you must be a registered user of the Wolfram User Portal in order to download the installation program. Once registered, you will be able to view your key, download the installation program, and manage your Premier Service(Japanese text only) privileges. Single-machine and network licenses use the same installation program.

If a single-machine license is inconvenient, such as for a large system or a net-boot system, please contact the person in charge below for the installation program and password for the lab version.

Get activation key and installation program(link to Wolfram site)
Mathematica Installation Manual

Mathematica|Online Unlimited Site

Mathematica|Online is available to people in eligible organizations. Each user signs in to the Wolfram Cloud using his or her Wolfram ID. It is device-independent and can be used from anywhere with Internet access.

If you have already registered for the User Portal, enter your username and password; if you have not yet registered, please do so to request online access. Please register an e-mail address with @u.sukuba.ac.jp or @un.tsukuba.ac.jp domain when requesting online access. If you register an e-mail address other than @u or @un, you will be able to use the service for a one-month trial period, but will not be able to use it after that.

Mathematica | Online Unlimited Site Subscription Request Form

Reference: How to use Mathematica|Online:

 - Introduction(video in Japanese)

 - Hands-on Start to Mathematica Online (Wolfram U video course)

The Mathematica|Online interface is English-only, but documentation is presented in the same language as your browser’s language environment.

About Service Credit and Cloud Credit:
Service Credit is required to use external services (such as map information), and Cloud Credit is required to use certain features of MathematicaOnline. (They are rarely depleted during normal use.)

 - Service Credit : https://www.wolfram.com/service-credits/index.en.html?footer=lang
 - Cloud Credit : https://www.wolfram.com/cloud-credits/

Personal use by faculty and staff

By using a home use license agreement, faculty and staff (including Professors Emeritus) that belong to the above mentioned institutes are eligible for installing Mathematica free of charge on their personally-owned computer terminals using Windows, Linux or Mac. Application for the license and downloading the software can be made from the website of Wolfram Research. An application has to be made for every computer terminal on which Mathematica is to be installed. Please note that it will take a few days for Wolfram Research to complete identity verification and inform the user of the URL for downloading the software.

The personally-owned computer user must not use the On-campus install program (described in the previous section) and password for the home use program. Faculty and staff must uninstall the software promptly on their retirement as the right to use the home use license will be lost at the time of this change of status.

For the website to make an application for home use(at Wolfram Research)
FAQ for home use(at Wolfram Research)
Application procedures for home use (within the university network only)(provided by HULINKS)…Available only in Japanese.
Application procedures for extension of home use (within the university network only)(provided by HULINKS)…Available only in Japanese.

Personal use by students

Students who belong to the above mentioned colleges and schools are able to install Mathematica for Students free of charge on their personally-owned computer terminals using Windows, Linux or Mac through the Student Site License Program.

For installation, WolframID is required. If you do not have WolframID, make an account using e-mail address with domain of @u.tsukuba.ac.jp. For @s users (enrolled in or after 2017 or later), please use @u (replace @s with @u) to get WolframID.
Mails sent to your @u address are automatically forwarded to your @s address. (See also this page about the differences between @u and @s.)

The students must uninstall the software promptly when they are no longer registered at the University of Tsukuba as the right to use the software will be lost at the time of this change of status.

Obtaining Activation Key and the installation program for Students(link to the website of Wolfram Research)
Install manual for Mathematica for Students

Faculty members, Staff and Students that are not covered by the Unlimited Educational Program

ACCC is making the network license server available for those who are eligible for the Comprehensive Program. The license server can only be accessed from the on-campus network (including clients of the VPN connection service of the ACCC). Please obtain the installation program from the following download site. The installation, however, is not allowed for students, faculty members or staff onto their privately-owned computer terminals.

Install manual for Mathematica 13.0.1
Download the installerType the Unified Authentication ID [13-digit number] and password)


  • Q. ”License expires on April 30, 20xx….” is displayed (different from the expiration date in the user portal).
    A. If you start Mathematica in an environment connected to the Internet, the expiration date will be automatically extended. However, there may be cases where it cannot be updated at once due to maintenance of the developer’s server, congestion of the line, etc.If the expiration date dialog bothers you, select “Enter Activation Key” from the Help menu and execute activation.
  • Linux no longer supports 32-bit from version 11.3 (32-bit was available until version 11.2). Please refer to the following URL for the operating environment.
    What are the system requirements for Wolfram products?
  • Q. When trying to acquire an activation key, a message saying “For additional activation keys, please contact your site administrator.” is displayed.
    A. The maximal number of keys you can acquire has become 4 per user. If you want to reorganize (deactivate) your acquired activation keys or to acquire more than 4 keys, please contact the inquiry below with [Mathematica version / required number of activation keys / affiliation / full name in Latin alphabet / email address of @u or @un].
  • Q. I want to change the PC I am using. What will happen to my activation key?
    A. If you want to use the same key, please go through the machine change procedure. Alternatively, you can get a new key by deactivating it.
    – About changing machines for Mathematica 8 or later (Hewlinks site)(Japanese text only)
  • You can upgrade your version at any time during the contract period. Site license passwords expire and must be renewed annually.
  • When dialogue of the expiration date is displayed on Mathematica8 (Japanese text only)
  • How to install License Manager(reference: Wolfram Research website)
  • Q. I cannot register myself using the password that was downloaded from the Wolfram website.
    A. This could happen if the Mathematica software installed from a DVD distributed before the ACCC became responsible as the administrator (prior to February 2010).
    Replace the content of the existing mathpass file with the following mathpass file description as written in the e-mail.
    Reference)How do I read the contents of a mathpass file?
    ex.) vmw7 9999-99999-99999 L9999-9999 9999-999-999:8,8,16,99:9:99999999
  • If you would like to remove your WolframID, please use the Wolfram Support Team contact form to request it. Select “Account” as the topic.
  • Using Wolfram Engine


Eligibility Kinds of Program License Number of Licenses Password necessity*1 Place of use Personal use
computer terminals)
List of eligible schools and colleges
Unlimited Educational Program Single Machine (user) license,,
Network License
unlimited Regular password(machine specific, based on MathID),
Universal/general purpose password(not reliant on MathID)
Anywhere Faculty and staff: Home use license
Students: Mathematica for Students
Mathematica | Online Unlimited
All the rest Comprehensive Program Network license 15 Not necessary, but server required On-campus only X
Not available because the number is limited for home use license
*1 For network licenses, required for servers, not required for clients.
The client is activated by referencing the server’s password. (Therefore, server name is required)