Mathworks (MATLAB) Campus-Wide License (Limited Time)


Campus wide license has ended in FY2023. (2024/4)

The University has concluded a Campus-Wide License for MATLAB with MathWorks, Inc.
(Current year contract period: 2023/4/1 – 2024/3/31)
All students, faculty, staff, and researchers can use MATLAB and Simulink products on any device, on or off campus, without restriction and at no cost.

The University of Tsukuba provides on-campus TEAMS to promote information exchange among users.
Everyone is welcome to participate, so please make use of the on-campus teams (“Mathwork campus-wide”).

User who can use it

All enrolled faculty, staff and students (excluding affiliated schools)
Please register your account with or email address when you start using the service.

Note: If you leave the University of Tsukuba due to graduation, completion, retirement, etc., you will lose the right to the license.
Note: Only for educational and research purposes (commercial use is not allowed)

How to use
Use by install

Any number of devices can be installed by a single user. There is no limit to the number of simultaneous installations.
Available on Windows, Mac, Linux. (Detail)

Use on cloud (browser)

The latest version of Google Chrome is recommended. (Detail)

When you use MATLAB for the first time, please connect the license to your MathWorks account from the MATLAB portal site for our university.
MATLAB portal site for University of Tsukuba

For more details, please refer to this page.

Available Software

All (approximately 100) the products offered by MathWorks for academic(List of available products
Releases with new features and performance improvements are made twice a year.

[Learn how to use] Online Training

All courses, including Introduction to MATLAB and Introduction to Deep Learning, are available anytime, free of charge.

[To be used in the classroom]

There are also a variety of useful tools and resources for teaching with MATLAB and Simulink.
Query coursewares
Browser-based system for automatic grading of exercises using MATLAB.
You can run MATLAB programs on the web and get immediate feedback on the execution and scoring results.

Support Contact

The Academic Computing and Communications Center (ACCS) is responsible only for this announcement about MathWorks/MATLAB licenses.
Please contact MathWorks, Inc. if you have any questions about its use.
Technical support: Install support(all), Tech support(faculty members only)
Community: MATLAB Answer
Add-ons directory: MATLAB documentation

For more information on the status of MATLAB contracts at the University of Tsukuba, please contact;
U-Tsukuba Teams chat : kameda.yoshinari.ft (Or email : kameda[at] )