Adobe CC : AdobeCC for Lab|On-campus only


Use of AdobeCC for Lab (former name: Shared Device License) in a laboratory, etc.

For Mac M1 &M2 users:
Please install Rosetta 2 before installation.

AdobeCC for Lab (former name: Shared Device License)” is provided as a way for students to use Adobe CC on University-owned educational PCs used in laboratories (including PC classrooms, etc.).

How to use

By downloading and installing “For Lab: AdobeCC for Lab.(Mac and Win)” from the Download Station (software distribution management system) (available only to faculty and staff), you can install the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application (“CCDA”).
Install each app product (such as Acrobat) from CCDA.
The download and installation must be performed by the faculty/staff member him/herself.

【After installation, CCDA and each application product will be used by logging in.】

ID: @s email address (e.g.
Password: Unified authentication password


AdobeCC for Lab (formerly known as Shared Device License)” is for use on university-owned educational PCs and on-campus use only.
Please do not install the software on your personal computer as it is a violation of the agreement.
A network connection is required to log in.


The information on this page is published on campus only.
Please refrain from disseminating the URL and contents of this page via e-mail or social networking services.
The services listed on this page may be terminated without prior notice.

Inquiries about this service

From the inquiry form,please select “Adobe CC umbrella agreement” and be sure to inquire in person. We also request that you submit your inquiry via the form even if you make the inquiry by telephone.

Timely information about the software is sent out via the university-wide computer system email newsletter.
