Microsoft 365 Usage and Operation Policy in the University of Tsukuba


At our university, we widely use a variety of Microsoft products, including MS Teams (hereinafter referred to as “MS Products”). We have established policies to ensure that these MS Products are used and managed in a safe, secure, and convenient manner. Given that the features of MS Products are constantly updated and expanded, these policies will be revised and updated accordingly.
*Unless specifically stated otherwise, “Administrator” refers to the “Microsoft 365 Administrator”.

Existing Regulations and Guidelines at the University

The University of Tsukuba publishes its rules and guidelines on the use of information systems and related resources. When using Microsoft products, please adhere to these rules and guidelines.
Regulations, Organization for Information Infrastructure, University of Tsukuba

Users at Risk of Microsoft 365 due to Suspected Unauthorized Logins.

If an administrator suspects that a user’s account has been misused by an unauthorized third party, they will forcibly reset the account’s password.
Users are advised to consult the relevant information provided by the Academic Center for Computing and Communication for guidance on how to personally reset their passwords.
(As stipulated in Article 49 of [1])

Public Teams

There have been instances where teams created using platforms like Teams and SharePoint inadvertently had their privacy status set to public, resulting in the exposure of files containing personal information to all students and staff across the campus. To enhance security, administrators have mandated that only public teams with “-public” appended to their names are permitted. Any public team lacking the “-public” suffix in its name will be promptly switched to private by the Microsoft 365 administrators upon discovery. For guidelines on modifying the team’s name and privacy status, please consult the information provided by the Center for Academic Computing and Media.
(As stipulated in Article 39 of [1])

MS Product Features

Some of the features currently being used under this agreement might become unavailable or may require additional fees in the future, in accordance with Microsoft’s policies.
In such instances, the administrator will disable these features.

University Rules and Regulations Underpinning This Document

[1]国立大学法人筑波大学情報セキュリティ実施要領 (Accessible only on campus.)